Zero Trust & Confidential Computing​

Revolutionize cybersecurity by never trusting, always verifying, and staying one step ahead of threats.​

Zero Trust and confidential computing are two innovative approaches that have become central to modern cybersecurity strategies. These technologies minimizes the attack surface, reduce the risk of insider threats, and enhance security in an era of increased remote work and cloud-based services.​​

Zero Trust represents a fundamental shift in how organizations approach network security. Rather than relying on the traditional perimeter-based model, Zero Trust assumes that threats can exist both inside and outside the network. It emphasizes continuous verification of trust, requiring users and devices to authenticate and validate their identity and security posture before granting access to resources.  

Confidential Computing enhances Zero Trust by addressing the critical concern of data privacy and security while in use, especially in cloud environments. By using a protected enclave, Confidential Computing ensures that sensitive data remains protected even when it is processed or analyzed in untrusted environments.

Confidential computing relies on hardware-based encryption and isolation, executing applications in encrypted memory and safeguarding data from unauthorized access, even from cloud providers themselves. With the use of Confidential Containers, existing critical applications can be lifted and shifted into a trusted execution environment. This technology is crucial for industries dealing with highly sensitive information, such as healthcare, finance, and government, as it enables secure computation while preserving data privacy.

By combining Zero Trust's principles with confidential computing technologies, organizations can create a robust cybersecurity framework that not only verifies trust but also ensures the confidentiality and integrity of their most valuable data.​

Our Role

To mature these concepts and promote their adoption across the globe, Concepts Beyond has: ​

  • Developed an application to perform interoperable message level signing and validation to verify message integrity and authenticate the signer's identity.
  • Developing a prototype Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) using Confidential Computing to secure critical infrastructure components in a cloud environment.​​



Enterprise Security Harmonization POC

End to end message level data integrity and identity verification service for global aviation

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